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Francisco, September 23rd 2003
Economist celebrates innovation at the 2nd Annual Innovation
Awards and Summit in San Francisco
drawing board to marketplace -- The Economist will recognise
individuals driving the most financially successful innovations
in Computing, Bioscience, Energy and the Environment, and
The Economist
is hosting an event today honouring the innovative individuals
and cultures that spawn corporate growth and transform our
global economy. The Summit offers a rare opportunity to hear
how the world’s most innovative minds translate ideas
into financially successful products and practices.
The evening
awards ceremony showcases four individuals responsible for
industry altering breakthroughs in Computing, Bioscience,
Energy and the Environment, and Telecommunications. A fifth
award will be presented in a special “No Boundaries”
category, observing innovation that transcends industries.
Winners were selected by The Economist readers and an internationally
renowned panel of judges, chaired by Nick Valéry, editor,
The Economist Technology Quarterly.
award recipients demonstrate a senior breed of innovators
whose ideas have made the difficult transition from object
of the mind into object of the market,” said Valéry.
“These people have forever altered each of their respective
fields and The Economist is proud to thank them for their
contributions to personal and professional life around the
pools were started with recommendations from The Economist
readers and writers and then completed by distinguished judges,
nominating up to ten individuals for each award. The nominations
and the eventual winners were evaluated against three consistent
criterions: impact on an emerging branch of science and technology;
effect on a marketplace or the creation of a new market; and
impact on revenue of the sponsoring organisation.
Economist recognises the following leaders for launching
new markets and revolutionising the way business is done:
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:
Raymond Damadian, President, Chairman, FONAR (NASDAQ:
FONR) Corporation: Dr. Damadian first proposed the idea
of a magnetic resonance scanner (MRI) in 1969 as an "external
probe for the detection of internal cancer." In 1970,
he made the seminal discovery that birthed MRI. The discovery,
and its power to detect serious diseases like cancer,
has been the basis for the making of every MRI image ever
made and for the creation of the MRI industry. Dr. Damadian
patented his discovery in 1972 and it was upheld by the
U.S. Supreme Court in 1997. He went on to build the first
MR scanner producing the first human image on July 3,
1977. Dr. Damadian scanned patients with cancer in 1978,
the year he founded FONAR, which produced the world's
first commercial MRI machine in 1980. Prior to Dr. Damadian's
discovery, medical imaging technology lacked significant
contrast to provide the exceptional image detail MRI pictures
are known for today. Most recently, his company introduced
the FONAR Stand-Up™ MRI, the only MRI in the world
capable of imaging patients in weight-bearing positions,
including standing, bending or sitting, as well as lying
down. Capable of producing internal body images, MRI technology
is credited with saving hundreds of thousands of lives
by allowing doctors to diagnose everything from a herniated
disk to a malignant tumor.
World Wide Web: Tim Berners-Lee, Director,
W3C World Wide Web Consortium. The on-line experience
as we know it was born in 1989, when Mr. Berners-Lee
first proposed his global hypertext project. Later known
as the World Wide Web, the ingenious concept allowed
people to combine knowledge into a web of hypertext
documents and forever altered the way information is
shared. Today, over 580 million people go on-line every
and the Environment, Hydrogen Fuel Cell:
Geoffrey Ballard, Chairman, General Hydrogen. Dr
Ballard’s pivotal role in the development
of the modern fuel cell has led to international
recognition as the “father of the hydrogen
economy.” His work paved the way for automakers
around the world to begin replacing internal combustion
engines with fuel cell engines, producing pure water
as their only emission and resulting in a cleaner,
quieter, more efficient means of transportation.
Although fuel cell engines are still many years
from mass production in consumer vehicles, Dr Ballard’s
company expects to begin replacing toxic lead-acid
batteries with fuel cell engines in fork-lift trucks
by 2006.
Boundaries”, Theories Which Eventually Led to
Radio Frequency Spectrum Auctions and Tradable Emissions
Permits: Ronald Coase, Professor Emeritus
of Economics, University of Chicago Law School. As early
as the 1930s, Economist Ronald Coase began developing radical
new theories on business processes, transaction costs, and
property rights. Over seventy years later, Mr. Coase's prophetic
research and ideas have created new markets to trade the
intangible. Coasian logic has blossomed into Radio Frequency
Spectrum Auctions, which regulate the wireless communication
market and Tradable Emissions Permits, which distribute
the financial burdens of pollution among the polluters themselves,
rather than on society. Coase's seminal work earned him
the 1991 Nobel prize for Economics.
Packet Switching: Paul Baran, Founder,
The Institute for the Future. Packet Switching is the breaking
up of large data chunks into smaller units and sending them
in pieces. The technology inspired by Mr. Baran has evolved
into the foundation for the Internet, making e-mail, ATM
and interactive web pages possible.
The day
long celebration of innovation, sponsored by Scottish Development
International, Accenture, and Burson-Marsteller and developed
in cooperation with Phocas Partners, opens with an Innovation
Summit aimed at exploring the impetus for corporate innovation.
A convergence of sparkling guest speakers, this year’s
winners, and the writers of The Economist Technology Quarterly
create an intellectual platform to share ideas, learn from
others, a create new knowledge for the future of innovation.
The entire event will be available on the Web through synchronized
presentation of video, slides, graphics, charts, web demos
and captions – provided by Vodium.
Tony Hynes
Burson-Marsteller for Economist Conferences
(415) 591-4072 direct
to Editor:
Economist Conferences
Economist Conferences is a leading provider of highly interactive
meetings—including industry conferences, management
events and government roundtables—for senior executives
seeking new insights into important strategic issues. Participants
exchange views and compare experiences with other decision-makers
and with specialist speakers from relevant fields. www.economistconferences.com
Scottish Development International
Scottish Development International is a joint venture between
the Scottish Executive and Scottish Enterprise. Its vision
is to fully integrate Scotland's international economic development
activities. Under the umbrella of ‘Smart Successful
Scotland,’ the new strategy to make Scotland a key economic
player in the 21st century, comes ‘The Global Connections’
strategy, reflecting the radical changes needed for Scotland
to prosper in the new age of the knowledge economy. For more
information on Scottish Development International, please
visit the web site at www.scottishdevelopmentinternational.com.
Accenture is a global management consulting and technology
services company. Committed to delivering innovation, Accenture
collaborates with its clients to help them realize their visions
and create tangible value. With deep industry expertise, broad
global resources and proven experience in consulting and outsourcing,
Accenture can mobilize the right people, skills, alliances
and technologies. With more than 80,000 people in 47 countries,
the company generated net revenues of $11.6 billion for the
fiscal year ended August 31, 2002. Its home page is www.accenture.com.
Burson-Marsteller (www.bm.com), established in 1953, is a
leading global public relations and communications counseling
firm. It provides its clients with strategic thinking and
program execution across a full range of public relations,
public affairs, advertising and other communications services.
Burson-Marsteller, through its proprietary research, today
leads the industry in its knowledge of and insights into the
relationship between communications and the reputations of
companies and their CEOs. These learnings are applied to the
firm's many and varied corporate clients.
The firm has 72 offices in 32 countries, linking more than
1,600 professionals in a seamless global network and unified
culture. In 1979, the firm joined the Young & Rubicam
family of companies, which in October 2000 was acquired by
WPP Group plc, one of the world's leading communications services
provided by: Vodium
Vodium provides web-based delivery of interactive rich media
presentations to audiences of 10 or 10,000. Key applications
include online training, knowledge management, virtual conferences,
and corporate communications. Vodium's software and services
enable customers to create dynamic presentations that incorporate
synchronized video, slides and text within a single interface.
These multimedia presentations are then archived into a customized
library, available anytime, anywhere over the Internet. For
organizations, Vodium offers a powerful and cost-effective
platform to reach larger audiences and achieve high impact
communications, live or on demand. For the audience, Vodium
presents an engaging viewing experience where searching through
video is as easy as text. Vodium's customers span across Fortune
100 companies, Federal agencies and the educational sector.
For more information, contact www.vodium.com.
Phocas Partners
Phocas Partners (www.phocaspartners.com) creates content-rich
event programming for organizations that engage and educate
readers, customers, prospects, employees and business partners.
Relying on journalistic principles and a customer-centric
approach, Phocas Partners serves media outlets, conference
companies, corporations and trade associations -- delivering
event experiences that consistently exceed expectations. While
its core mission is the production of content, Phocas Partners
also provides audience acquisition, marketing, sales and logistics
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